CGSC Inbound Information (Resident ILE)
Welcome to the Command and General Staff College, and congratulations on your selection.
This content is maintained by the US Student Detachment (USSD). It is designed to help you get started in your preparation to relocate to Fort Leavenworth and provide you a brief overview of the Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC).
We will be sending out an email in mid-March to register for the course and provide more information about prerequisites and key dates..
For any information on Garrison Agencies please see the Garrison web page.
Welcome Video #1
This video is a welcome and brief overview of the Command and General Staff Officer’s Course.
Welcome Video #2
Link to Slides
This video is a brief discussion of the expectations for ethics and professional standards for CGSOC.
Welcome Video #3
Link to Slides
This video is an in-depth review of the year at CGSOC.
Welcome Video #4
Link to Slides
This video is an introduction to the assessments and self-development opportunities at CGSOC.
Welcome Video #5
Link to Slides
This video is an introduction to unique academic and professional opportunities at CGSOC.
Welcome Video #6
Link to Slides
This video is an introduction to elements of Student Officer life at CGSOC.
Is a ten month resident course to develop highly competent and professional field grade General Staff Officers with the warfighting, historical, leadership, and decision making expertise to enable Army combined arms formations to successfully execute multi-domain unified land operations in contested environments against peer threats. The course is taught in three phases, Common Core, Advance Operations Course, and Elective Phase. All parts of this course are challenging and taught at the graduate level.
While a student at CGSC it is highly recommended that you bring your own device and take advantage of the Army Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) program. To confirm whether your device meets the minimum system requirements for compatibility and to sign-up as a new user, please visit
Reporting Information
Early Reporting
- US Army Officers Requesting Early Reporting (Prior to 30 June) must receive written permission to sign into CGSOC prior to the reporting date on your PCS orders. To request early reporting, you must submit a written request, (via email) to your branch manager. Requests must include the following information: Name, Rank, Branch, SSN, CGSOC class date, requested report date, current duty station and mailing address, DEROS (if applicable), current phone number, current email, and rationale for requesting early report. Each request is evaluated on an individual basis. Reporting early subjects you to duty with an activity located at Fort Leavenworth as directed by the Commander, Combined Arms Center. For more information, please contact
Regular Reporting
- DO NOT REPORT EARLY UNLESS COORDINATED THROUGH YOUR BRANCH MANAGER AND AUTHORIZED BY THE USSD COMMANDER. REPORT DATES WILL BE FOUND ON YOUR IPPS-A PCS ORDER FOR CGSOC. There are a limited number of houses and transportation carriers available per week. CGSS is one of the largest moving bodies in the Army and we use carriers from multiple states to stay on top of the need. Housing assignments are determined in advance and not by first come, first served basis. Arrive when you are scheduled or when the on-post housing office gives you a date if planning to live on-post. If living off-post, arrive in accordance with orders and/or leave plans associated with off-post housing lease agreement. There will be plenty of time while you in-process with CGSS to take care of personal and administrative matters. In the event of an unforeseen life changing event, early or late reporting requires coordination with your branch manager at HRC.
- Garrison will be using a phased arrival for those reporting to CGSC using the following timeline. Report dates can be found on your IPPS-A PCS order for CGSOC.
- ACS 06JUN25 – 03JUL25
- IMS 16JUN25
- IA/DAC 23JUN25 – 06JUL25
- ARSOF 27JUN25 – 07JUL25
- Army Group 1 30JUN25 – 03JUL25
- Army Group 2 07JUL25 – 11JUL25
- Army Group 3 14JUL25 – 18JUL25
- When you are directed to report (report date found on PCS orders), you will go to the third floor (when walking into the Lewis and Clark building you will be on the second floor). Follow the signs to US Student Detachment (USSD). Report in your APFUs, (height / weight and tape will be conducted while in-processing with USSD) have a copy of your orders and absence request from IPPS-A, along with a copy of your last DA705 (current within the las 12 months) available when reporting to USSD.
- Please note student parking is in the far South parking lot (tree/creek separation). Parking in a closer lot will cause you to be illegally parked and possibly ticketed. Do not park in areas labeled “F-Hang Tag Parking” or “Red F Tag Parking”.
Housing Information
You will find information for your housing needs, such as how to apply, how homes are assigned, and important dates for family and bachelor housing with Fort Leavenworth Frontier Heritage Communities. Please visit their website at: for information and applications for both family housing and bachelor housing. To be part of the Automated Student Housing Assignment Run you must apply by 12MAY25, applications received after this date will be placed on the wait list. To apply, submit your completed application along with a copy of your official PCS orders. Applications can be submitted in person, by mail, or via email to You may also call the housing office at 913-682-6300.
K-12 School Information
For information about schools in the Fort Leavenworth area please visit the following webpages:
For Sister Service Questions
- All U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force students: Contact the Air Force Element at 913-684-3424 (DSN 552).
- All U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard students must contact the U.S. Navy Element at 520-669-4673 (DSN 552)
- U.S. Marine Corps students contact the MCELM Deputy Director at 913-684-4552 (DSN 552-4552)
- All Interagency students must contact the Interagency Student Division Chief at 913-684-4970 (DSN 552).
- All International Officers should have already been given contact information to International Military Student Division (IMSD).
Medical Requirements
All US ARMY Officers attending CGSOC at Fort Leavenworth, KS must be Fully Medically Ready (FMR) before starting their CGSOC experience to maximize Soldier availability for class participation. Go to and ensure all FMR Indicators are GREEN before you arrive at Fort Leavenworth. If you are not stationed on a military post, this will require coordination with the closest Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) or via TRICARE, situation dependent.
Additional specific medical instructions will be published in follow-up class letters prior to your arrival.
**Special notes:
- Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) – You must complete a NEW annual PHA AFTER 15 April 2025. Go to to complete the soldier portion of the assessment, then follow up with your local MTF to complete the Part 2 assessment.
- a. Part 2 PHA’s may also be completed via the VIPRR clinic virtually (844-863-3236) if you are not stationed at or near an MTF.
Prior to Arrival
Please Note: CGSOC selectees, having a valid ATRRS (Army Training Requirements and Resources System) reservation will receive an email, through your A365 account (address
listed on your ATRRS account profile), from the U.S. Student Detachment in Mid-March. Administrative data provided will contain information and instructions to aid in the
completion of the online Student Record Form (Online Student Registration), prerequisite information, and important information needed to make your transition to Ft.
Leavenworth as seamless as possible. Access to the CGSOC online registration requires an AKO login. You MUST arrive at Ft. Leavenworth with a valid CAC ID and an A365
email account.
A current Secret security clearance is required for this course. Certain electives require a Top-Secret clearance and SIPR token.
SIPR Tokens. Students should arrive at Fort Leavenworth with SIPRNET PKI tokens (aka NSS Tokens or SIPR Cards). SIPRNET tokens allow for “smart card” login to SIPRNET.
Some CGSOC courses require student use of SIPRNET assets, a SIPR token is required to access any Army SIPRNET computer. Users should request a token through their local
G6/S6 or local Network Enterprise Center (NEC) before they depart their current duty station. DO NOT delay processing of requests for NSS tokens these can take up to two
months to process from request submittal to card issuance. If you arrive without a SIPR token, you may not have time to receive one and will miss out on some elective
courses offered.
UNIFORMS. Students need to arrive with a full complement of required uniforms to include PT, Dress (including Class B), and OCP uniforms. It is important to have the
appropriate apparel for cold weather for each type of uniform, particularly - Class B winter items due to the limited availability at Ft. Leavenworth, personal procurement
must be completed at your current duty station.
Contact Information
US Student Detachment via email at
PLEASE NOTE: We ask that you limit your inquiries to questions related to your pending permanent change of station and save your academic questions until after you arrive.