Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

VPAA Mission

VPAA synchronizes Army Learning Enterprise (ALE) governance, executes functions, and manages systems and processes to drive innovation across the future learning environment conducive to the development of agile, adaptive, and innovative Soldiers and Civilians for the Total Army.  VPAA also chairs the Army Learning Coordination Council (ALCC)- Learning Continuum Committee (LCC) to synchronize Enterprise Initiatives.

Key Functions

  • Develop a World Class Faculty
  • Professionalize Curriculum Development
  • Adopt Nationally Recognized Standards
  • Expand Public/Private Partnerships
  • Conduct Professional Research
  • Editor Journal of Military Learning

Army Learning Ecosystem

ALC 2030 - 2040 Video

ALC 2030 - 2040 Paper

VPAA is the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command’s (TRADOC) lead organization to implement best practices in adult learning across the entire Army Learning Enterprise.​

Last Updated: 2/25/2025 6:14:08 PM

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