The Army University

Educating and Developing our Army's Uniformed
and Civilian Leaders
What is Army University?

The Army University is a premier learning institution preparing the best leaders in the world to prevail in Multi-Domain Operations.

The Army University integrates all of the professional military education institutions within the Army into a single educational structure modeled after many university systems across the country.


The Army University provides academic policy, governance, and innovation to enable the Army’s academic enterprise to train and educate agile and adaptive Soldiers, leaders, and the Army Civilian Corps to achieve cognitive overmatch to win in complex operational environments.

Foundational Duties

Army University increases Total Force readiness by aligning professional military education and training processes across the Army into an optimally integrated educational training system.

  • Develop world class faculty
  • Produce relevant curriculum
  • Grow qualified students
  • Adopt nationally recognized standards
  • Improve professional research & publication
  • Create an innovative learning environment
  • Expand public/private partnerships
  • Implement new business & governance practices
  • Adapt professional military education curriculum to focus on large-scale ground combat operations
  • Revitalize Warrant Officer Education
  • Credential United States Army Sergeants Major Academy to grant degrees
  • Expand the Utility of Enlisted Education
  • Improve Education Methodology
  • Integrate with the Operational Army
  • Modernize the Army DistributedLearningProgram


Army University Structure

White Paper

ArmyU Strategy

Learning Concepts for Training and Education

Army University

Army University Placemat

Last Updated: 2/7/2025 3:52:31 PM

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