Army Credentialing and Continuing Education Services for Soldiers (ACCESS)

Resources - Government and Military

Laws and Regulations

Public Laws

  • Public Law 94-502
    • Bill amending United States Code, Title 38, Part III, Chapter 34
    • Extends the basic educational assistance eligibility for veterans (Chapter 34) and for certain dependents (Chapter 35), from 36 to 45 months.
  • Public Law 99-145, Section 671
    • Bill to authorize appropriations for the military functions of the Department of Defense and to prescribe personnel levels for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1986, to authorize certain construction at military installations for such fiscal year, to authorize appropriations for the Department of Energy for national security programs for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
    • Supersedes: Public Law 96-342, Section 902
  • Public Law 99-576
    • Bill amending United States Code, Title 38
    • Provides a 2.0 percent increase in the rates of compensation and of dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) paid by the Veterans' Administration, and for other purposes.
  • Public Law 100-689
    • Amended United States Code, Title 38, Part III, Chapter 30
    • Veterans' Benefits and Programs Improvement Act of 1988 - Title I: Education Programs - Part A: Provisions Relating to Montgomery GI Bill and Certain Other Education Programs.
  • Public Law 101-366, Section 207
    • Bill Amends United States Code, Title 38
    • Revises various provisions relating to the provision of medical care and medical personnel within the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans' education, and employment assistance.
  • Public Law 101-510
    • Eligibility criteria for certain separated individuals to enroll in the Montgomery GI Bill.
  • Public Law 101-510
    • Amends United States Code, Title 38, Part III, Chapter 30, to add Section 3018A
  • Public Law 102-484
    • Voluntary Separation Incentive/Special Separation Benefit
  • Public Law 102-568, Title III
    • Educational Assistance Programs

United States Code

  • United States Code, Title 10
    • Armed Forces
  • United States Code, Title 38, Part III, Chapter 30, Section 3011 (a)(1)(B)
    • Basic educational assistance entitlement for service on active duty
  • United States Code, Title 38, Part III, Chapter 30, Section 3015(d)
    • Amount of basic educational assistance
  • United States Code, Title 38, Part III, Chapter 32
    • Post-Vietnam Era Veterans' Educational Assistance
  • United States Code, Title 38, Part III, Chapter 34
    • Veterans' Educational Assistance

Department of Defense

  • Department of Defense Directive 1322.08E
    • Voluntary Education Programs for Military Personnel

Army Regulations

  • Army Regulation 350-1
    • Army Training
  • Army Regulation 621-5
    • Army Continuing Education System (ACES)
  • Army Regulation 621-108
    • Military Personnel Requirements for Civilian Education
  • Army Regulation 621-202
    • Army Educational Incentives and Entitlements
  • Army Regulation 601-210
    • Regular Army and Army Reserve Enlistment Program
  • VA PAM 22-79-1
    • Summary of Education Benefits under Post-Vietnam ERA Veterans Education Assistance Program


  • DA Form 12
    • Request for establishment of a publications account

Last Updated: 8/1/2024 7:41:32 PM

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