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The details of your course search for 491-92L30-C45:

Course Title: Petroleum Laboratory Specialist ALC
Course Number: 491-92L30-C45
Version: 04.0
MOS: 92L3
CIP Code(s):
SOC Code(s):
Course Information: Petroleum Laboratory Specialist Advanced Leader Course (ALC) is a branch specific course that provides the 92L NCO selected for attendance with progressive and sequential leader, technical, and tactical training / education relevant to the duties and responsibilities to serve successfully at the squad level. This course is designed to prepare the 92L NCO to be agile and adaptable; to lead and train Soldiers who work and fight under their supervision, and to assist there leaders to execute unit missions

Phase Name: 1Training Days: 10Academic Hours: 80
Scope: This phase consists of TRADOC common core training which is mandatory and is a graduation requirement. The training will be provided and managed by the U.S. Army Human Resource Command. Course also contains; mandatory training, for leaders, and petroleum laboratory specialist technical training: The instruction teaches warfighting skills required to lead a platoon-sized element in combat and reinforces MOS training, utilizing performance-oriented training and open discussion on petroleum laboratory management, safety, quality surveillance programs and petroleum laboratory facilities.

Phase Name: 2Training Days: 10Academic Hours: 80
Scope: This phase consists of common training which is mandatory and is a graduation requirement. The course prepares 92L30 Soldiers to perform as petroleum laboratory managers: laboratory operations, laboratory procedures, petroleum laboratory correlation, petroleum laboratory safety programs, quality surveillance programs and petroleum facilities, as well as other pertinent petroleum subjects.

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