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The details of your course search for 091-94E10 (R):

Course Title: Radio Equipment Repairer
Course Number: 091-94E10 (R)
Version: 1.0
MOS: 94E
CIP Code(s):
SOC Code(s):
Course Information: To train enlisted personnel to perform Field Maintenance Level maintenance on radio receivers, transmitters, and associated equipment; also, to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to restore Communications equipment. Provide the student with a working knowledge of their security responsibility, and to provide an awareness for physical security and security regulations.

Phase Name: 1Training Days: 20Academic Hours: 200.3
Scope: Perform Field level maintenance on tactical and semi-fixed radio communication systems. Repair Radio equipment by replacing pluggable assemblies at Field Maintenance level. All CASCOM courses will introduce the major principles of Character Development during in-processing, and will further reinforce that information in subsequent lessons as applicable.

Phase Name: 2Training Days: 21Academic Hours: 210.9
Scope: Perform Field level maintenance on tactical and semi-fixed radio communication systems. Repair Radio equipment by replacing pluggable assemblies at Field Maintenance level. All CASCOM courses will introduce the major principles of Character Development during in-processing, and will further reinforce that information in subsequent lessons as applicable.

Phase Name: 3Training Days: 13Academic Hours: 125.6
Scope: Perform Field level maintenance on tactical and semi-fixed radio communication systems. Repair Radio equipment by replacing pluggable assemblies at Field Maintenance level. All CASCOM courses will introduce the major principles of Character Development during in-processing, and will further reinforce that information in subsequent lessons as applicable.

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