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The details of your course search for 091-91D10 (R1):

Course Title: Tactical Power Generation Specialist
Course Number: 091-91D10 (R1)
Version: 02.0
MOS: 91D
CIP Code(s):
SOC Code(s):
Course Information: To train Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard Enlisted Soldiers the common and unique MOS subjects required to effectively perform as a Power Generation Equipment Repairer in accordance with tasks specified by the Critical Task List (CTL) and mandated training.

Phase Name: 1Training Days: 11Academic Hours: 109.1
Scope: The course phase consists of instruction on: Operation and employment of tactical Mobile Electric Power (MEP), Army maintenance publications, Army maintenance doctrine, two level maintenance, generator site selection, proper use and care of hand, precision, and power tools, maintenance shop safety, environmental awareness, basic engine principles, basic mechanical concepts, and diagnostics on MEP internal combustion engines. "All CASCOM courses will introduce the major principles of Character Development during in-processing, and will further reinforce that information in subsequent lessons as applicable."

Phase Name: 2Training Days: 18Academic Hours: 180
Scope: The course phase consists of instruction on: Electrical theory, soldering, diagnostics on tactical MEP systems, diagnostics on MEP AC main generators, diagnostics on MEP voltage regulators, diagnostics on DC circuits for arc welders, diagnostics on tactical MEP/digital controlled systems, and diagnostics on AMMPS and 100/200 kW power unit. "All CASCOM courses will introduce the major principles of Character Development during in-processing, and will further reinforce that information in subsequent lessons as applicable."

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