Vice Provost for Academic Affairs


Develop, integrate, sustain, and manage the training and education development process, policy and governance documents; oversight and quality control of learning products; advise proponents on TED workload management and functional proponency of TDC.​

Policy Branch

What We Do:
  • Develop and synchronize Army’s Instructional System Design process (ADDIE) across the Learning Enterprise to ensure learning products meet the needs of Army Readiness.
  • Lead for TRADOC REG 350-70 (Army Learning Policy and Systems). As such – research, write, coordinate and staff the pamphlet with all stakeholders.
  • Staff manager for all supporting regulations and pamphlets.
  • ADDIE = Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate
Why We Do It:

To establish a common process used across the Learning Enterprise that ensures thoughtful identification of learning requirements based on analyses; ensure focused learning on critical job performance requirements; and determine specific objectives & assessment for learning activities to ensure learning products are developed efficiently and meet the needs for Army Readiness.

Institutional Learning Products Branch

What We Do:
  • Review lesson plans (LPs) and learning objectives (LOs) using a quality control checklist that is based on TR 350-70 and TP 350-70-14
  • Teach, coach and mentor training developers.
  • The proponent for TP 350-70-14, (Training and Education Development ISO the Institutional Training Domain). As the proponent—research, write, coordinate and staff the pamphlet with stakeholders
  • Note: We do not review technical content; we are not technical content SMEs.
Why We Do It:

In support of Army Readiness, ArmyU helps ensure LPs comply with sound design, proponency, and regulatory requirements; and LOs are compliant with policy.

NOTE: We do not review technical content; we are not technical content SMEs.

Operational Learning Products Branch

What We Do:

Per policy (TR 350-70 & TP 350-70-1), review all new operational learning products to ensure compliance with policy, standardization, and proponency. Lead for TP 350-70-1 (Training Development ISO the Operational Training Domain). Army U’s representative at the Standards for Training Readiness Advisory Group (STRAG) (non-voting member).

Teach, coach and mentor training developers

Why We Do It:

We provide “outside eyes” for proponent developed operational products to ensure Soldiers in the field receive a standardized product with repeatable, observable, measurable and achievable standards that looks the same throughout the Army Learning Enterprise.

Training Development Capability

What We Do:
  • Serve as the TDC Functional Proponent and assist with improving TDC for the Learning Enterprise.
  • Lead the transition of TDC into the Army Training Information System (ATIS) for the future.
  • We analyze & address’s functional short-term & long-term requirements, prepare for TDC to ATIS, lead the TMDF as a Community of Practice, develop new technologies& capabilities for TDC migration to ATIS
Why We Do It:

To sustain a high quality, user-friendly training & education development tool that supports standardized development, distribution, and maintenance of training and educational products and resourcing.

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