Vice Provost for Learning Systems (VPLS)

VPLS Mission

VPLS develops, integrates, and synchronizes Army learning systems and help establish a learning environment conducive to the development of agile, adaptive, and innovative Soldiers for the Total Army.

Essential Tasks

  • Centrally manage and execute the program including classroom concept development, requirements validation for technology, design, engineering, installation, property accountability, and sustainment, in support of approved instructional methodologies.
  • Develop and Manage the Army University Library System, AULS​.
  • Identify emerging training and education capability requirements within 34 TRADOC Schools and Centers of Excellence, conducts gap analysis and defines learning requirements to support modernization of Professional Military Education.​
  • Synchronize learning systems, processes, activities, initiatives, and promote learning best practices across the Army enterprise.​
  • Develop, integrate, sustain, and manage the training and education development process, policy and governance documents.
  • Develop and maintain and associated web applications to provide education information and resources to Soldiers, Veterans, and educators.​
  • Establish the ArmyU Registrar System and develop and maintain an ArmyU Management System to provide individual and collective audiences with access to their learning records and competency frameworks to inform developmental needs.
  • Army lead for education related Legislative Proposals.

TRADOC’s organization to synchronize and enable intellectual development of the Total Force through access to knowledge, learning environment support, collaborative system refinement, and learning product policy and development oversight.​

Last Updated: 3/7/2025 8:11:08 PM

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