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The details of your course search for 4C-17-C22 (CP):

Course Title: Cyber Captains Career (Cert)
Course Number: 4C-17-C22 (CP)
Version: 01.0
MOS: 17A
CIP Code(s):
SOC Code(s):
Course Information: To train and certify Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard 17A Officers from the rank of CPT-MAJ for advanced cyberspace operations training. The Cyber Captains Career Course (CCCC) will train Defensive Cyberspace Operations (DCO) and Offensive Cyberspace Operations (OCO) through the employment of effects to degrade, disrupt, destroy or manipulate the enemy while allowing all commanders the freedom to maneuver in and through the cyberspace domain. With DoDs creation of this new warfighting domain, comes new threats and vulnerabilities that our officers will have to have to understand in order to defend our cyberspace terrain.

Phase Name: 0Training Days: 110Academic Hours: 835
Scope: The CCCC provides the Army with a corps of highly skilled Officers who lead, plan, and direct both defensive and offensive cyberspace maneuver and effects operations in and through the cyberspace warfighting domain to ensure freedom of action. Cyber Officers/Soldiers will receive technical and tactical institutional Cyber School and Cyber Center of Excellence (CYBERCoE) training. Training is focused on the core competencies associated with conducting maneuver and effects through DCO and OCO and within an Army and Joint Interagency Intergovernmental and Multinational (JIIM) environment. CCCC will consist of Common Core training, SEC5561 Intense Hands-on Pen Testing Skill Development; FOR610, Reversed-Engineering Malware; and SEC660, Advanced Penetration Testing, Exploit Writing, and Ethical Hacking.

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