Phase Name: 1 | Training Days: 14 | Academic Hours: 140 |
Scope: The Phase 1 provides Water Treatment Specialist training for Soldiers in the following areas: general water subjects; water quality analysis testing; reconnaissance; 3,000-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) operations; and various storage and distribution systems operations. |
Module Number: Module-A | Title: General Subjects |
Purpose: Provides information on course standards. Trains soldiers on general water subjects which are needed to progress to the next training module |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-B | Title: Water Quality Analysis and Reconnaissance |
Purpose: Trains soldiers on the purpose of the various water quality analysis tests and covers how to conduct the tests and interpret the results. Water reconnaissance is also presented in this module. |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-C | Title: Storage and Distribution Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, and disassembly of the various water systems used to store and distribute potable water. |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-D | Title: 3,000-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, disassembly, and maintenance of the 3,000-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU). |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Phase Name: 1 | Training Days: 14 | Academic Hours: 140 |
Scope: The Phase 1 provides Water Treatment Specialist training for Soldiers in the following areas: general water subjects; water quality analysis testing; reconnaissance; 3,000-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) operations; and various storage and distribution systems operations.
Module Number: Module-D | Title: 3,000-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, disassembly, and maintenance of the 3,000-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU). |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-C | Title: Storage and Distribution Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, and disassembly of the various water systems used to store and distribute potable water. |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-B | Title: Water Quality Analysis and Reconnaissance |
Purpose: Trains soldiers on the purpose of the various water quality analysis tests and covers how to conduct the tests and interpret the results. Water reconnaissance is also presented in this module. |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-A | Title: General Subjects |
Purpose: Provides information on course standards. Trains soldiers on general water subjects which are needed to progress to the next training module |
Title: Water Treatment Specialist Course Introduction |
Title: Environmental Stewardship |
Title: Water Supply In The Theater Of Operations |
Title: Determine the pH Value of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Chlorine Residual of a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Color in a Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Temperature and Turbidity of a Raw Water Sample |
Title: Determine the Amount of Total Dissolved Solids in a Water Sample |
Title: Conduct a Lewisite Test |
Title: Conduct a Nerve Agent Test |
Title: Conduct a Cyanide and Mustard Test |
Title: Conduct a Radiological Test |
Title: Conduct a Water Reconnaissance |
Title: Water Quality Analysis Hands-On Examination |
Title: General Subjects Written Exam |
Title: Introduction to Storage and Distribution Operations |
Title: Operate the Forward Area Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS) |
Title: Operate the Semi-tralier Moblie Fabric Tank (SMFT) |
Title: Operate the Load Handling System Water Tank Rack(HIPPO) |
Title: Operate the Potable Water Storage and Distribution System (PWS/DS) |
Title: Operate the Tactical Water Distribution System (TWDS) |
Title: SND Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 3,000-GPH ROWPU Components |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Operate the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Shut Down the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Dismantle the 3,000-GPH ROWPU |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 3,000-GPH ROWPU. |
Title: 3,000 GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: 3K ROWPU Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Phase Name: 2 | Training Days: 14 | Academic Hours: 140 |
Scope: The Phase 2 provides Water Treatment Specialist training for Soldiers in the following areas: 125-GPH Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP) operations and 1,500-GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) operations.
Module Number: Module-E | Title: 125-GPH Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP) Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, disassembly, and maintenance of the 125-GPH Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP). |
Title: Identify 125-GPH LWP Components |
Title: Operate the 3-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Operate the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Shut Down the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Dismantle the 125-GPH LWP. |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: 125GPM Light Weight Water Purifier Hands-On Examination |
Title: LWP Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 1,500-GPH TWPS Components |
Title: Coastal Operations for Water Purification Units |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Tratical Quiet Generator (TQG) |
Title: Set Up the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Operate the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Shut Down the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Dismantle the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 1,500-GPH TWPS. |
Title: 1500 GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: TWPS Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-F | Title: 1,500-GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, disassembly, and maintenance of the 1,500-GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS). |
Title: Identify 125-GPH LWP Components |
Title: Operate the 3-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Operate the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Shut Down the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Dismantle the 125-GPH LWP. |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: 125GPM Light Weight Water Purifier Hands-On Examination |
Title: LWP Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 1,500-GPH TWPS Components |
Title: Coastal Operations for Water Purification Units |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Tratical Quiet Generator (TQG) |
Title: Set Up the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Operate the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Shut Down the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Dismantle the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 1,500-GPH TWPS. |
Title: 1500 GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: TWPS Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Phase Name: 2 | Training Days: 14 | Academic Hours: 140 |
Scope: The Phase 2 provides Water Treatment Specialist training for Soldiers in the following areas: 125-GPH Lightweight
Water Purifier (LWP) operations and 1,500-GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) operations. |
Module Number: Module-F | Title: 1,500-GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, disassembly, and maintenance of the 1,500-GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS). |
Title: Identify 125-GPH LWP Components |
Title: Operate the 3-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Operate the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Shut Down the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Dismantle the 125-GPH LWP. |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: 125GPM Light Weight Water Purifier Hands-On Examination |
Title: LWP Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 1,500-GPH TWPS Components |
Title: Coastal Operations for Water Purification Units |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Tratical Quiet Generator (TQG) |
Title: Set Up the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Operate the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Shut Down the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Dismantle the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 1,500-GPH TWPS. |
Title: 1500 GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: TWPS Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |
Module Number: Module-E | Title: 125-GPH Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP) Operations |
Purpose: Trains the soldier on the setup, operation, disassembly, and maintenance of the 125-GPH Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP). |
Title: Identify 125-GPH LWP Components |
Title: Operate the 3-Kilowatt Generator |
Title: Set Up the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Operate the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Shut Down the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: Dismantle the 125-GPH LWP. |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 125-GPH LWP |
Title: 125GPM Light Weight Water Purifier Hands-On Examination |
Title: LWP Operational Written Examination |
Title: Identify 1,500-GPH TWPS Components |
Title: Coastal Operations for Water Purification Units |
Title: Operate the 60-Kilowatt Tratical Quiet Generator (TQG) |
Title: Set Up the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Operate the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Shut Down the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Dismantle the 1,500-GPH TWPS |
Title: Maintain and Troubleshoot the 1,500-GPH TWPS. |
Title: 1500 GPH Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) Operations Hands-On Examination |
Title: TWPS Operational Written Examination |
Title: End of Course Critique (EOCC) and After Action Review (AAR) |