Army Credentialing and Continuing Education Services for Soldiers (ACCESS)

Security of Test Materials and Test Inventory

Test components must be accounted for at all times. When test components, except unused answer sheets, are taken from and returned to the locked cabinets, exact counts of these components will be made.

Test materials must be kept in locked rooms or containers when not in transit or in actual use. Test scoring keys will not be stored in the same file drawer as test booklets and blank answer sheets. Only persons whose duties require use of the test materials will have keys and/or combinations to test storage areas/files.

The Test Control Officer (or alternate) and the Test Examiner will conduct a joint annual inventory of all test materials. If there were no changes since the last annual inventory was conducted, an email with the statement: "All Items Present" can be emailed to: For more information, please see the APT TCO Handbook, Section 8 Paper-Based APT Tests, 8.3 Inventorying APT Exams.

Test Examiners will ensure "For Official Use Only" is stamped or printed on all test components.

When mailing controlled test materials (which include completed or partially completed answer sheets), Test Examiners will ensure that all items are double-wrapped and that the inner envelope, which must also be addressed, is stamped with the following:



All test materials must be mailed certified or registered through the United States Postal Service. Please ensure that you include transmittal documentation, signed by the TCO that includes complete information on the documents being sent.

For additional information, please see the APT TCO Handbook.



Last Updated: 8/1/2024 7:41:32 PM

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